With 30 minutes left, we were outside the court and Steve had not yet arrived - we phoned him and realised that he had forgotten about daylight saving time!!! That meant he was an hour behind schedule and hadn't realised!
After a quick phone call and an emergency taxi ride to court, Steve arrived just in the nick of time!
He quickly put on his tie and went in.
Waiting outside we weren't sure what was going on and we were all crossing our fingers.
Inside, Steve met with his advisor and the mortgage company representative.
Pictures of the Painted House and printouts of the websites were taken in to court.
Also, the court received a fax which pledged to pay this month's mortgage instalment in return for a commissioned artwork by Steve!
Steve has had several hopeful offers to commission his artworks and designs over the last 15 days. An entrepreneur from Manchester, who contacted Steve during the campaign, was responsible for pledging the money and sending the fax to save the Painted House from repossession!
The judge ruled that - in light of the payment being agreed and future art commissions being in discussion - the repossession would not take place, and that the situation would be reviewed in five months time.
Steve is quite overwhelmed by today's events!
Thank you for all your support! Thanks to those of you who have sent messages and also everyone who came to visit on the Open Day. Don't forget to keep checking this blog - we will continue to update it with news of Steve's art and the future of the Painted House. :-)